If you’re living in Miami, and get in a major skiing accident in Colorado, it could take up to four months for your medical records to transfer from your home hospital to your current treatment center.
Patientory is fixing that.
This sounds really bad. Tell me more.
There’s currently no uniform system in place for creating and storing electronic medical records (EMRs). A variety of EMR companies, each with their own unique program, compete to sell their services to medical providers; when your providers have different EMR systems, getting the two systems to make the exchange is yet another joyful experience in the world of healthcare bureaucracy.
Your medical information must remain private and secure, so when the files need to be transferred, a trusted third party converts the original documents to fit the format of the receiving party’s EMR system. The records are moved from one data silo to another, an expensive operation that leaves room for hacking.
Chrissa McFarlane, CEO of Patientory, has over a decade of experience in the healthcare industry and founded the company to put control back in the patient’s hands.
What is Patientory?
With Patientory, you own your medical records and can share them with anyone you please, in an instant — whether you’re vacationing in Taiwan and need emergency surgery, or visiting a specialist in Norway.
Your information is stored on the blockchain, and you hold the private key.
By moving this data from centralized structures to a decentralized blockchain, the costs of hacking the system greatly outweigh the value of the reward, and transferring the information between two parties becomes much easier and more secure.
What is PTOY and where does it get its value?
PTOY is Patientory’s tradable ERC20 token. It allows patients to purchase storage for their medical records, and to pay medical providers for their services — thus shrinking the opportunity for healthcare payment fraud.
More secure storage + greater chance of getting paid? Healthcare providers, rejoice!
How can I buy PTOY?
You first need to buy Bitcoin or Ethereum on Coinbase and then transfer it over to your account at Bittrex to exchange it for PTOY. For reference, check out our guide –Cryptocurrency Investing: How to Buy Altcoins. If you get stuck or need help, send us a message through our Facebook page or use our contact page and someone on staff will walk you through the process.