Justin Danneman

Justin Danneman
Justin is someone who is compassionate about learning anything and everything, including ancient mythologies and history, quantum technology, blockchain, A.I., nutrition, and absolutely everything to do with outer space. "In the age of information, ignorance is a choice." Having spent most of his adult life in the financial sector, he has only recently found his calling as a writer. Deciphering truth and spreading awareness is exactly what he plans to do.

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Multiple Ethereum hardforks upcoming and the launch of our new Crypto Surprise Index

Happy New Year! Goldman Sachs didn't do too well in 2018 losing roughly 35% of their market value. Why are we mentioning this?...

The First Ever Fantasy Crypto Bracket Tournament

Welcome to the inaugural CryptoMarket360 Fantasy Crypto Bracket Tournament sponsored by Cold Storage Coins! This contest is completely free to enter and limited to the first...

The simple logic based reason why it doesn’t matter AT ALL when finance executives...

Many people think the market is highly correlated to the news cycle, and more importantly, the sentiment regarding that news cycle. The more positive...