Jon Creasy

Jon Creasy
Jon got his start in the cryptocurrency world in 2014 as a value investor, bringing the principles and practices of Warren Buffett and Benjamin Graham to the space as few had done before him. Jon followed his personal investment success with research and writing on cryptocurrency in a clear and accessible way. He has been published and quoted in a number of publications, including Bitcoin Magazine, CoinTelegraph, and Hacker Noon.

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Multiple Ethereum hardforks upcoming and the launch of our new Crypto Surprise Index

Happy New Year! Goldman Sachs didn't do too well in 2018 losing roughly 35% of their market value. Why are we mentioning this?...

The First Ever Fantasy Crypto Bracket Tournament

Welcome to the inaugural CryptoMarket360 Fantasy Crypto Bracket Tournament sponsored by Cold Storage Coins! This contest is completely free to enter and limited to the first...

The simple logic based reason why it doesn’t matter AT ALL when finance executives...

Many people think the market is highly correlated to the news cycle, and more importantly, the sentiment regarding that news cycle. The more positive...